Google Pixel Research

Class Website

FigJam Board (research process and moodboards)
Meeting 06 - WebUSB problems

Meeting 05 - Sensor Research and Reverse Engineering

I wanted to understand how scales worked - so bought 2 kitchen scales. Then opened them up. The thing that was the most interesting was the LCD screen and how it was beinf connected to the PCD board. After this, learned more on load cells and how they work. This made me think about my prototypes and designs. The loadcells needs space to move and they need to be flat. 

To experiment, I ordered two different scale sensors from Sparkfun. 

Meeting 04 - Sensor Research and Prototyping

Meeting 03 - Precedent Research and Research on Microbiomes

Ideas for research: 

1. Simplified Phones for Adults: I barely use the features of a phone and I know that my parents struggle a lot as well. Inspired by children's phones with few buttons, functions, and aesthetics, can we create a simplified phone for adults? (experimental) So, addressing a phone as a toy.
2. Expiration Phones: We know that our phones will die or we'll change them at some point. What if our phones had a fixed expiration time? If it's 100 hours for example, how would my relationship and usage change? (discursive) What if phones were like disposable cameras? The movie In Time is an inspo.
3. Ending Calls Thoughtfully: The musical mobile (discursive) example made me think of ways to end long-lasting phone calls. I struggle a lot with this because sometimes a friend doesn't hang up. What's the socially appropriate context to hang up a call? (discursive but also experimental?)
4. Let's Grow a Starter: By using the built-in temperature sensor, can we monitor and ensure the conditions for optimal yeast fermentation? (experimental)

- applied use?
- not a phone
-being critical with the relationship
-what’s the form factor?

*Inspo for #4 from Pedro - Tardigochi

*Other ideas and inspiration - Punkt
Light phone



Let's Grow a Starter: By using the built-in temperature sensor, can we monitor and ensure
the conditions for optimal yeast fermentation?


Calvert MD, Madden AA, Nichols LM, Haddad NM, Lahne J, Dunn RR, McKenney EA. A review of sourdough starters: ecology, practices, and sensory quality with applications for baking and recommendations for future research. PeerJ. 2021 May 10;9:e11389. doi: 10.7717/peerj.11389. PMID: 34026358; PMCID: PMC8117929.

These processes are influenced by conditions intrinsic to the starter itself, including the ingredients (e.g., flour and water) and the recipe. They are also influenced by extrinsic factors, such as baking practices, storage temperature, the amount of starter used during propagation, the number of propagation steps, and fermentation time.

The community is provisioned with resources over the course of 5–15 days through continuous refreshment with flour and water, also known as backslopping or propagation, during which part of the mixture is discarded.

Type I sourdough starters are most commonly used in artisanal bakeries and are usually kept at ambient temperature (20–30 ◦C).

How Long Will It Take?
To create a sourdough starter from scratch, the overall process will take 7 days (or more) from start to finish. It’s not instant. First, you’ll create the starter with whole wheat flour to jumpstart fermentation. Then, you’ll continue to feed it with regular all purpose flour to cultivate the wild yeasts and friendly bacteria.

When Will it Be Ready To Use?
Your starter is ready to use when it has doubled in size, with plenty of bubbles on the surface and throughout the culture.

Other resources

Meeting 02

Shanzai (“fake”) - imitation of trademarked brands or electronics

Technological or aesthetic modifications give them their own identity. They are multifunctional and stylish. Shanzhai products are characterized in particular by a high degree of flex- ibility.

Technological or aesthetic modifications give them their own identity. They are multifunctional and stylish. Shanzhai products are characterized in particular by a high degree of flex- ibility.

The ingenuity of shanzhai products is frequently superior to that of the original. For example, one shanzhai cell phone has the additional function of being able to identify counterfeit money.

Shanzai products do not delibaretly set out to deceive. Indeed, their attraction lies in how specifically draw attention to the fact that they are not original, that they are playing with the original.

I used to see the brand “abibas” a lot when I was back in Turkey. As a country, we do sell a lot of “shanzai” products and create similar brand names. I remember having fake Hollister shirts because somehow it was cool back then but the brand didn’t exist in the country. So people would buy the fakes.


Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware

Remanufactured / Recycled / Fake replacements / Reverse Engineering

It established a framework of austere rationing, where many individuals were forced into a lifestyle of unrelenting scarcity, challenged to live without many products that might otherwise grant a ‘modern’ lifestyle. A fundamental shift in how civilians perceived objects and their material culture began to emerge. Commodities were pulled apart and resurrected into new and useful forms - encourage and empower the population to keep building, repairing and reinventing their surroundings.

I started to notice through small, humble gestures how to collect, repair and reuse, and the potential to alter and question means of production. I understood the political dimension of these gestures and the unorthodox, inclusive and liberating character of what, years later, I would come to call ‘technological disobedience’. - Ernesto Oroza


Meeting w/Pedro

Finding a use for a community - think about something you care. 
It should be a benefit for the community. 

Think as phone as an arduino // a single port computer
Think about sensors that are already built in features

We talked about community gardens. Can we create something that is solar-powered/weather proof that could help measure soil quality etc?

During ITP Stupid Hackaton, I used dw power jacks as a closure piece for the necklace. Parts of the phones use metal and silver etc. Can I extract these and maybe find a way to melt to make other pieces? A home-kit where you can use the oven/or the stove to melt and then make molds. 

Meeting 01

Decided to partner up with Alfonssette. Apparently, she also has trust issues with her phone. Then we decided that maybe it’s our own issue? :( 

Idea #1

What if our phones doesn’t trust us? We set so many alarms - sometimes we snooze or sometimes we set up multiple alarms minutes apart from each other-. How can our phones know that we woke up // also maybe they can train us to wake up with just one alarm. 

Our negative habit is setting up multiple alarms, and what is our phone trains us. We train them with giving them our all datas anyways so why not do vica

versa. Using positive punishment, we can have set of games  and activities when the alarm goes on and person has to complete a bunch of tasks to close the alarm. 

a. the phone can be put in a jigsaw puzzle kinda box first. So mentally challenging activity first.
b. then, using the screen, you get a bunch of text-based questions. you either have to read a paragraph and answer questions or you get simple math equations.
c. you either have to sing a line of a song or a sound-based activity. 

If you don’t complete the tasks you can’t turn off your alarm and it keeps getting louder. 

ps. I sometimes turn on the timer because I don’t believe the snooze button will work. The placement of the buttons are opposite for timer and alarm and I end up repeating the timer. Such bad UI. I don’t think that this serves a purpose (I mean making

them opposite).

Idea #2

Why are we letting our phone choose how we are suppose to unlock our phones? Why don’t we have any agency in this? Our main struggle is how mostly during winter we are all wearing scarves/beanies/gloves etc. and most of the time the faceID doesn’t work. So you have to enter the code but if you’re wearing gloves yo

u either have to take them off or buy the special gloves with the sensitive-thumb feature. What if we have a feature where people can choose which body part they want to use in order to unlock. We wanted somethig more practical at first. Then thought

about how not everybody has all body parts - so could turn into a more inclusive design too.  

We looked at multipoint touch technology - so now you have up to 10 touch points. So you buy this kit, it comes with an app, you can use different body parts to unlock yor phone and you can change the body part whenever you want. 
To prototype it, we bought a squisy toy and cut it. and put it on the back of our phones like a case. Our initial idea was something like this where you put through your ear for example and the thing makes a mold of your ear. Then whenever you put your ear into it your phone unlocks. But then that means you have to make different molds each time you want to change. What if we have a material that comes back to its original shape when you release. But it would have sensors to sens the multitouch.

Above is the evaluation of how this can be a physical thing. Below is the calculations phase.

We also needed a UI since the user needs to identify which body part they want to use. 


Office Hour w/ Pedro

I tried to focus on what my relationship was with my phone. I don’t trust technology, I don’ believe that my phone is capable of doing simple tasks (

sometimes). There is always the possiblity that my phone battery could die or if my phone is muted it might not ring.


Things that bug me: (in-class exercise)
This was funny because the day after class my WhatsApp expired and I had to update it. This time I didn’t get any warning like before “You have 15 days left to use WhatsApp!”.


Integer turpis massa, varius ultricies est sed, aliquet feugiat enim. Nulla facilisi. Ut in justo in ex faucibus ultricies. Proin id erat quis lorem vehicula commodo. Phasellus pharetra libero pretium ultricies aliquam. Vivamus eleifend, ligula ut venenatis aliquet, massa elit efficitur lorem, fermentum molestie elit ligula in ex. Duis mauris tellus, pharetra et orci a, aliquam imperdiet augue. Pellentesque elit neque, tincidunt sit amet imperdiet eget, porta ut metus. Nulla id leo tortor. Donec elementum ac sapien eget feugiat. Donec lorem dui, vestibulum quis nisl et, feugiat mattis massa.

Phasellus Rez


Lipsum Deus

  1. Praese Vita
  2. Nulla Vehicu AI
  3. Ukam Cors
  4. Dictum Magna
  5. Cursus Ex
  6. Suspendis Est
  7. Facili Sap
  8. Et Magni Disc
  9. Phasellus Deus
  10. Deus
  11. Rexus
  12. Maximus
  13. Lorem Ipsum
  14. Dolor 123

Integer turpis massa varius